Lauren Heyes and Jamie Crowe ran the fastest parkrun times in the UK this weekend (25th May).

Our weekly parkrun top ten is now sponsored by the Coggiola Endurance Centre, a residential coaching and performance facility in the Italian Alps. Follow on Instagram for more updates in the new future. 

At Pavillion Gardens it was British XC international Lauren Heyes who was first across the line in 16:46 and the fastest of the fast women at parkrun this weekend. The Hallamshire athlete has a park PB of 16:18 and a 5000m best of 15:29, but this is the fastest of 2024 and Heyes has also clocked a 10k PB of 32:21 in March.

Jamie Crowe obviously found drier ground than I did at Perth parkrun (and is significantly faster regardless of ground condition) and ran 14:34 to clock fastest male athlete this weekend. The Scot, who has broken 14 minutes for 5000m on the track and 5k on the road, was Scottish XC Champ again this year and ran 13:51 at Armagh 5k for 6th.

The best of the rest?

At Stamford Park Martha Tibbot was second fastest woman with 17:12 today. It was a new parkrun PB by five seconds for the Saddleworth Runner, who is also pretty handy riding a bike up steep hills as well, so doesn’t have too many results on Power of 10.

At Chalkwell Beach parkrun Paul Whittaker ran 14:47 and it means that every metre of the podium this weekend is a metre I’ve run personally so expect some expert analysis incoming… Okay, my knowledge is more focused on Peter Pan’s Adventure Land just a little further up the shoreline. Whittaker has a 14:10 5000m best and this year has won the Witham May Day 5 and the RunThrough Regents Park 10K so hopefully has his finish line celebration sorted.

At Ormeau it was Dearbhla Cox of Annadale Striders who completes our podium in 17:14. It’s been a busy 2024 already for Cox, who has PBs at multiple distances including 10k and half marathon in 35:36 and 77:53 respectively.

At Perth Crowe didn’t have an easy ride with Scott Stirling 20 seconds behind and probably staring straight into his soul at the turnaround point. All three of the men’s podium broke 15 minutes with Stirling clocking 14:54, a time that might normally put you in top spot.

The fastest course?

A few events feature twice this week with Poole, Dulwich and Perth all battling it out, but the excellent 1st and 3rd in Scotland takes the biscuit (and I might have a soft spot for the park which regularly hosts 50 and 100k events so excellently).

Women’s Rankings

Men’s Rankings