The “Africans”: covert racism in long distance running
In this article, Fast 10’s Jack Gray considers how the more subtle and nuanced form of covert racism, can manifest in the long-distance running community. For...
We all have a role in sporting equality
Fast10’s Jack Gray has written a thought-provoking piece after talking to female runners about their experiences of running, and how the lockdown...
Pushing the tempo
In this article Jack Gray gives us his thoughts on tempo running, a key part of how he went from a...
Jack Gray
The engaged athlete
Following on from Jack Gray’s post last week, the Cambridge & Coleridge athlete talks about getting the athlete to take some ownership of their training. ...
Jack Gray
Bound to the plan
In this two-part Fast 10 blog, Jack Gray considers whether overly prescriptive coaching, underpinned by the prevailing conceptualisation of the athlete as...
Jack Gray
Couch to (the Mid-Cheshire) 5k
After two months off running due to injury, Jack Gray sets out how he intends to get off his couch, and...
Injury Prevention
That track is bloody short
In his first Fast10 blog Jack Gray explores why a blind reliance on technology has the potential to make us more...
Fast 10
Fast10: Jack Gray
Jack Gray first jumped onto the FastRunning headlines because of a ghost run, but since then has regularly featured in the...
Athlete Insights