Following the success of the inaugural Monument Mile Classic in June 2018, Central Athletic Club, in partnership with the Scotland’s University of Sporting Excellence, The University of Stirling, are delighted to invite entries for the second annual Monument Mile Classic on Friday 24th May.
Last year’s event at the University of Stirling track saw 83 of the 91 competitors run personal bests over the classic one mile distance. Even though it isn’t a distance as commonly run in a more metric world, a good mile PB is still something a British athlete should value.
On top of equal prize money money of £100/75/50 for first, second and third in the male and female main events, there is also a £500 prize fund for those running quick times. The fund will be reserved for males running quicker than 4:05 and females running quicker then 4:40.
Any athletes that break these time barriers will share the money. If two men run sub 4:05 and no women break 4:40 then they will each receive £250. If no men break 4:05 but the female winner runs under 4:40 then they will get the whole £500!
Last year’s winners, Ben Greenwood (4:10.48) and Mhairi MacLennan (4:54.23), overcome tough conditions on a Wednesday night to win, but neither benefited from the fast time bonuses. As promised the organisers have increased these for 2019 to £500 and hopefully the weather is a little friendlier this time.
Fast times ahead
Leading entry so far is Scottish international Adam Craig of Inverclyde AC. The 2019 Scottish national cross country champion has a personal best of 4:08.28 indoors for the distance and has already finished second at the Armagh International 5k this year in a personal best of 13:45 for the distance. Craig’s 1500m time of 3:48.88, set whilst in the US running for university of Mount Olive last year, puts the athlete on target for a quick time this May.
At least one else female is lined up to feature so watch this space for an announcement. Do you yearn for the days when athletes ran 1,609.344 metres instead of 1,500 metres? Read on for how to get your place on the starting line.
How to enter
So far the majority of entries have been male and the organisers have been in contact with Fast Running to call for fast female runners to come perform at the event. If you are a speedy lady or know someone who is then this could be a great opportunity for a new mile PB and some prize money.
Any athletes who have 1500m Personal Best times of 3:55.00 for males and 4:35.00 for females. Please contact Michael Wright (Central A.C. Secretary) at michael.wright@watts.co.uk or 07814 238 993, to confirm your interest in the first instance.
More information and the entry process can be found on the race entry website here.
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