Coaches Robbie Britton and Tom Craggs launch first stage of new coaching project “Fast Running Performance”.
**UPDATE** we received a huge volume of expressions of interest and as such the intake for this Autumn is now closed. You can still fill out the form to express interest in the project for Spring 2020. You’ll find the application form here.
The two experienced coaches are looking for 30 athletes undertaking autumn marathons to be part of stage one of the Fast Running Performance project. Be it Berlin, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, New York or a UK based race, the project aims to help all levels of runner improve and learn about their sport.
“We wanted to take the one to one remote coaching and make it more accessible to everyday athletes” said England Marathon coach Craggs. “To do this, but without sacrificing the actual coaching experience for each athlete, was our conundrum but we think the FR Performance Project is just the ticket.”
Britton, a 2:29 marathoner and GB ultra distance athlete himself, said “I’ve always felt it’s important for an athlete to learn, as well as improve their running. If we can help marathoners not only with a training plan, but also the knowledge and confidence to ensure their training is right for them. Training is a really individualised thing and we felt the off the shelf training plans really miss that.”
“The FR Performance Project aims to be a big step up from those off the shelf plans, but more affordable than one to one remote coaching. At £30 a month it’s about £1 a day, so not too bad at all. We want to work alongside clubs and club coaches as well, to help athletes fill in the gaps between their club nights and make the right decisions for their own running.”
A strong partnership
Craggs highlights that the pair actually got talking during their MSc Performance Coaching with the University of Stirling. “It’s a remote course and I knew Robbie a bit beforehand, but it was whilst working on a whole range of projects that we realised we shared a similar coaching philosophy.
“The goal is always to do what is best for the athlete and this project will let us work with a whole bunch of runners of all abilities.”
If you are interested in being part of the 30 initial athletes for the first stage of this exciting project then more information and the sign up form are on the page here.
With only a small number of spots available in this initial stage don’t hesitate to get involved. Your next marathon can be your best yet as part of the Fast Running Performance project. Coaches Craggs and Britton have a wealth of experience built up over years of running, coaching and studying.
How it works
Each athlete is given a Final Surge account and marathon training adapted to their current level. Alongside this the athlete is given access to the Fast Running Performance community and we work together to build not only fitness, but knowledge too.
Together the coaches and athletes will adapt the training plan on a day to day basis. Each runner will have control over their own training. “It’s really important to have ownership of what you are doing” explains England marathon coach Craggs. “If you truly understand what and why you’re doing each session then the research shows you will have much greater levels of motivation, perseverance and commitment to your training.
“Effectively we are looking to give athletes the ability to coach themselves with myself and Robbie mentoring and guiding.”
“The project aims to create a community of marathon runners who help each other, alongside the coaches,” says Britton. “In any one group of runners there is a huge wealth of knowledge and experience. As coaches it is our job to bring this forward and facilitate learning for everyone.
“Not only help people run faster, but learn how to keep getting faster in the future too. If we do our job well, then eventually there will be no need for us,” jokes the GB athlete.
The full package
As well as training there will be advice on all the additional work that goes into making a better athlete. Using some of the Fast Running resources, like this article on sleep, but also exclusive material just for the Fast Running Performance project.
**UPDATE** we received a huge volume of expressions of interest and as such the intake for this Autumn is now closed. You can still fill out the form to express interest in the project for Spring 2020. You’ll find the application form here.
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