Dave Norman
Veteran runners deserve more respect
Dave Norman looks ahead to life as a veteran runner and takes a moment to highlight the impressive performances by older athletes. I never really anticipated...
Who inspires you?
Dave Norman has endured a challenging time of late, but he won’t let it keep him down, and takes a moment to...
Dave Norman
Dave Norman’s 9 tips for marathon success
Experienced marathoner and two-time winner in Manchester, Dave Norman, shares his top tips for success over 26.2-miles. Over the last few...
Dave Norman
Is it possible to find the right balance?
Dave Norman takes stock of the many hats he was wearing in February, including race organiser, managing the opening of a...
Dave Norman
Be patient, consistent and take a long-term approach
In his first ‘fast runners: class of 2018’ post, Dave Norman reflects on his running journey up to now and offers...
Dave Norman
Fast Runner: Dave Norman
As a two-time Greater Manchester Marathon winner, and boasting a 2:18:34 best, Dave Norman is a well known and respected runner...
Dave Norman