All posts tagged "injury"
Athlete Insights
/ 5 years agoCan you be ‘too fit’?
GB International and coach Jo Wilkinson highlights the dangers of having an engine that outstrips your body. “If you’re too fit...
Injury Prevention
/ 5 years agoCoping with Injury
Natasha Cockram’s latest Fast10 article looks beyond the physical coping process around injury, to the mental strategies. After my last blog...
Easy reads
/ 6 years agoWhat the hell are you supposed to do when you’re injured?
Injury can be an unfortunate part of running, but time off doesn’t have to be all bad. As a runner who...
Injury Prevention
/ 6 years agoRunner’s shin pain: What, why and how to treat
Physiotherapist (and Irish international) Matt Bergin talks us through the dreaded world of shin pain. Starting with what happens, why it...
Injury Prevention
/ 6 years agoThe causes of Achilles pain
In his second article Irish international and physiotherapist Matt Bergin talks about the causes of achilles pain and what runners can...
Injury Prevention
/ 6 years agoHow to identify and treat an Achilles injury
Irish international runner and physiotherapist Matt Bergin talks about identifying an Achilles injury and offers advice to help you successfully return...
Easy reads
/ 6 years agoTrail Dog: Lessons on the journey back from injury
Rosa Rosita White suffered a possibly career ending injury late September 2017. We spoke to the alpine hound about surgery, rehab...
Athlete Insights
/ 7 years agoDewi Griffiths reveals how he’s fought back from injury
The Welshman missed most of 2018 but he is now back running and chats about his recovery process. When Dewi Griffiths...
Injury Prevention
/ 8 years agoIT Band Relief with this Yoga Routine
If you love running you know the strains of the IT band. This is caused by repetitive motion, imbalances in your biomechanics,...